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Kelli’s Guide to Debt

If you are struggling with money and in debt like I was... don’t panic! You’re not the first and won’t be the last. There are things you can do.

First be honest about your money issues. Debt doesn’t go away if you ignore it, it just gets bigger.

Second, get some FREE help. Lots of companies out there advertise saying they can help you. But you have to pay them, which means less money goes to paying off your debt. Can you find free debt advice locally? What about the Citizens Advice Bureau? There are also some national charities that can help too. Here are the biggest ones:


Stepchange Debt Charity: 0800 138 1111
National Debt Line: 0808 808 4000
Pay Plan: 0800 280 2816
020 7760 8980


Third, do what you can now. Try to get your paperwork together; it’ll help when you see a debt advisor. If you can keep a spending diary or start a budget that’ll help too - but don’t worry if you haven’t.

Fourth, share your problems with someone you trust who will support you and not judge. It’s important to look after yourself and get support.

Fifth, is there anything you can change? Stuff you could cut down on or cut out? Don’t worry if you can’t make many changes. It’s tough living on little money, I know. But if there are things you can do, you’ll feel more in control.

Finally, don’t get a new loan to pay off debts, with a bank or a payday lender or anyone else. You’re borrowing more money and you may have to pay higher interest on any new loans you get. You’ll end up paying more. Instead, see a free debt advisor who can help you set up a payment plan to pay off your debts in a way you can afford.